Wind Energy, Wind Farms
The main advantages of wind energy are:
• does not pollute the environment
• it's free
• is inexhaustible
• is a domestic source of energy
• is renewable
• gives direct mechanical energy, which by simple means is converted into
any other form of energy
• Many of the wind turbine components can be recycled
• offered for regional development and new jobs
This does not mean that there are no disadvantages such as:
• has no reliability of availability, as it depends on the statistic
nature of the wind and therefore the control of the energy supply rate is
• is a mild form of energy. This means the amount of energy per
unit of time that can be committed in each square meter
surface affected by the wind is small.

We will measure the following sizes:
- Power density S of high frequency electromagnetic fields due to wireless transmission WiMax mobile telephony (measured in μW / m 2 ).
- Low frequency electromagnetic charge due to high voltage linear switching conductors or large power distribution panels.
- Low frequency electromagnetic charge due to generators and power plants as well as photovoltaic panels and inverters.
- Electric and magnetic fields by measuring the flux density of magnetic fields in nT and low frequency electric fields in μA / m 2 >

- Certificate for your reception area / offices
- Certificate Stickers for all control areas
- Certificate for your Website
- Electromagnetic Map of the area on your topographic
- Safety of employees
- Promoting the Green and sustainable character of the company
- Enhance your green character in local communities
- Undisputed service due to state-of-the-art technology of our measuring equipment
- Wavecontrol Spain / Germany Calibrated Equipment
- Our Certification can be used for any use and where required
- We give you stickers for your Green spaces
- We issue you a Certificate on our website accompanied by an entry on your page internationally recognized
- Certification gives you a strong reputation as a company with a social and environmental footprint, as areas with low electromagnetic load, especially by high-risk individuals, in your areas of action are increasingly valued
- We provide a number of documents with international data on radiation and electromagnetic fields.
- Our service creates a powerful marketing tool for your business as you take advantage of the security and certification provided.
- We certify with new measurements for the results of possible shielding
- We provide a 10-year warranty on shielding (provided our instructions are followed correctly both during the application of the shielding materials and during their maintenance them)

Wind Turbin farms
1a) Checkpoints:
Multiple control points are estimated for Low Frequencies
For the Low frequencies, measurements will be made in the spaces, by Transformers and Power Generators
- Measurements throughout the geographical area based on the floor plans at precise points with GPS coordinates determined on the plot - area of measurements
- Measurements on each wind turbine at ground and specified height
- Multiple checkpoints are estimated, some with circles centered on the emission points of your cameras
- Emphasis on area and staff security
- Measurements in meters and energy distribution network from the wind farm through HEDNO network
- Measurements of each sensitive area you specify in the area

2) STUDY PREPARATION includes at least the following :
2a) Capture of the electromagnetic map of the machines for all areas
2b) Capture the electromagnetic map of your engine power area
2c) Details
2.1 measurements
2.2 recording
2.3 definitions of areas
2.4 definition with coordinates in the drawing
2.5 safety measures
2.6 maximum staff stays in certain areas
2.7 full analysis of the facts
2.8 international standards and epidemiological studies
2.9 staff safety equipment for work
within strong electromagnetic fields
2.10 marking on the areas in a natural way of areas
2.11 on-site color hazard distinction of areas
(Blue, yellow, red)
2.12 placement of color discrimination signs clearly
with staff stay times
Additional maps (excluding absolute values) will be provided with color code identifying areas that exceed the permissible limits, as set out in the National and European Health Recommendations for Staff and Citizen Workplaces.
It is necessary to compare the results of the measurements with the National borders that have been set as well as with the borders of at least three other European countries, with a significant difference between them, in terms of the limits set by these countries.
A step back in history of the use or wind...

Information links about Electromagnetic Radiation in relation to Wind Turbines:
Environmental impact from the construction and operation of wind turbines and wind turbines park
Wind turbines and Environment, Radiation etc
RES development in Greece - WWF
Skepticism towards wind turbines
Impacts of wind farms on birds
Why Are the Wind Turbines blamed and what do their supporters say?